Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
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Text File
66 lines
This module (FileAccessLED) toggles the current state of scroll lock light
during FileSwitch SWIs, which gives a pseudo disc access light. It should
light up for accesses to files on all drives on all filing systems. It could
be loaded at any point in a boot sequence, but to see what your drives are
doing during boot up I would recommend putting it as near to the beginning
as possible (but after VProtect if you use that).
It won't detect any calls directly to a filing system (such as verifying a
disc) and may not detect FileSwitch * commands.
This is the only alternative I could see to patching the individual filing
system modules or wiring it up in hardware. If I could make it light up only
for specific drives or filing systems I would. It could easily be patched to
use other keyboard LEDs.
It has been tested on an A3010 with RISC OS 3.10 and an old ICS internal
hard drive. I have been using this module personally for almost two weeks
now without any problems, even when running games! It does however slightly
slow down disc access (it puts a second on my 26 second boot time).
If you have any comments or bug reports please feel free to email me. Any
donations of money etc. towards a new Risc PC will be gratefully accepted ;-)
If any updates are ever released, until June 1998 they will probably be
available from:
Credit for the original idea goes to Mr D.M. Green.
Roger Lynn
email: R.I.Lynn@stud.man.ac.uk
(after June 1998: RILynn@iee.org)
Boring legal bit:
This module is freeware and is copyright Roger Lynn. It may be freely
distributed in it's original unaltered form with this text file. You may
alter it *for your own use only*. (You can distribute it so long as you
don't alter it, you can alter it so long as you don't distribute it.) I
would be interested to hear of any modifications.
I disclaim all responsibility for anything that might happen to your
computer as a result of using this software (apart from the nice flickering
scroll lock light!). This includes loss of data, damage to hardware etc. The
software is not intended for use in safety critical applications etc. The
software is supplied "as is" and no warranty is made as to it's fitness for
any particular purpose etc, etc, etc... blah, blah, blah...
Version 0.02, 19/02/97:
Fixed a bug that could have caused computer to crash in the unlikely event
of one of the OS_Claims failing after one had already succeeded.
Version 0.01, 13/02/97:
Added OS_FSControl to the list of SWIs trapped (missed that one!), tidied up
error handling in initialisation and finalisation code and moved code to
reset scroll lock to original state to before the vector is called. (This
prevents SWIs that write to the screen getting stopped by the scroll lock
being on!). Thanks go to Dickon Hood for pointing these out. Modified this
text file (hmm, it's now about 6 times longer than it was!).